12 Testosterone-Boosting Snacks

12 Testosterone-Boosting Snacks To Add to Your Shopping List

7 min read


23 Jul 2024

Supercharge your day

    Just as food affects your energy levels, body weight, muscle mass, and countless other aspects of your physical and mental health, what you eat has a major impact on your hormone levels—including testosterone.

    But while eating too much of the bad stuff can cause otherwise healthy testosterone levels to drop, the good news is that more of the good stuff can get those hormone levels right back up where they belong. You just need to know what the good stuff is.

    And we’re here to tell you.

    We’ve made a list of our 12 favorite testosterone-boosting foods and snacks for you to nibble on throughout the days and weeks ahead to gain all the health benefits of optimal testosterone levels.

    Don’t worry, there’s nothing complex about anything on this list. We’re not expecting you to have to take a gourmet cookery course or seek out obscure ingredients online.

    It’s all super quick, super simple, and super tasty.

    So, let’s take a look at what you need to add to your shopping list if you want to see your testosterone levels shoot through the roof.

    12 testosterone-boosting foods to pack in your lunchbox

    Here are 12 of the very best snacks and ingredients to stock up your kitchen with to naturally boost testosterone levels while maintaining a balanced diet that will keep you fighting fit day after day.

    1. Honey

    Channel your inner Winnie the Pooh and crack open that jar of honey.

    It’s sweet, delicious, and it contains boron, which is linked to high testosterone levels. It also boosts your nitric oxide levels, which are essential for blood vessel dilation and healthy erections.

    We suggest drizzling honey over oatmeal and berries to kickstart your mornings off strong and get some slow-release carbs into your system to power you through the day.

    2. Red grapes

    Nothing makes you feel more like a Roman emperor or Greek god than lying back on a chaise longue and dangling red grapes over your face to eat them straight off the bunch (we’d assume).

    If this isn’t your style, then just grab a handful to munch on as a healthy snack here and there.

    It’s the skins of red grapes where the magic happens, as they contain resveratrol, which enhances sperm quality and helps raise testosterone levels. No wonder Zeus was always so ripped and randy.

    3. Eggs

    poached egg

    Forget everything you hear about only eating the whites of eggs—the yolks are just as important—especially if you want to reduce symptoms of low testosterone.

    Egg yolks are rich in cholesterol, which is a precursor for testosterone, and they also contain selenium, which can also help boost testosterone production.

    Boiled, scrambled, poached, made into an omelet…lots of choices for healthy egg-based dishes that also provide a wallop of protein.

    4. Spinach

    Popeye ate spinach for a reason. It might not work as instantly or exaggeratedly as in the cartoons, but spinach will still give your testosterone levels a jolt in the right direction.

    One of the key benefits of spinach is that it’s high in magnesium, which can increase free testosterone levels by preventing certain proteins from binding with testosterone and taking it out of the game.

    Just like Popeye, you’ll be strong ‘til the finish, ‘cause you eats ya spinach.

    5. Olive oil

    Speaking of Popeye, we’re not saying he wanted to date Olive Oyl just because of her name. But could her name have served as a timely reminder each day to drizzle some actual olive oil onto his salads? Probably not, but hopefully, it will for you.

    Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, both of which can help boost your serum testosterone levels.

    Combine some spinach and olive oil with some other leafy greens and tasty vegetables as a side dish to doubly support healthy testosterone levels.

    6. Fatty fish

    Fatty fish like salmon and sardines are packed full of plenty of nutrients to enhance testosterone levels naturally—like zinc, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and good old protein.

    Other types of seafood are also decent options for maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

    Tuna, for example, is a great source of vitamin D, which can boost testosterone levels by up to 90% and help you maintain a healthy sperm count.

    Likewise, shellfish like oysters and clams are high in zinc and selenium, which are known to support healthy hormone levels.

    7. Dark chocolate

    dark chocolate

    The key word here is “dark”. As much as we’d love to be able to suggest snacking on your favorite candy bars all week, they’re just too low in cocoa and too high in sugar to be healthy when consumed on a regular basis.

    Grab a bar of dark chocolate to snack on instead. We’re talking at least 70% cocoa content, and with as few additives as possible.

    It’s that high concentration of cocoa flavonoids in dark chocolate that you’re looking for, as they can increase testosterone production by stimulating Leydig cells in your testicles.

    Who knew chocolate could have such an impact?

    8. Berries

    A handful of mixed berries are a solid choice for a snack to boost testosterone naturally.

    Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries – whatever tickles your fancy. They’re all high in flavonoid antioxidants, which protect testosterone-producing cells from damage and can increase testosterone production.

    The same goes for cherries and pomegranates, as they also help reduce oxidative stress and protect testicular Leydig cells.

    9. Bananas

    sliced banana

    Could there be an easier on-the-go snack to combat low testosterone levels than a humble banana?

    It’s naturally packaged in its own little yellow jacket, provides lots of energy and potassium for your body, and it also contains bromelain—an enzyme that ensures you have enough testosterone, even at times when it’s likely to dip, such as before or after an exercise session.

    10. Onions

    We’d never suggest munching down a raw onion (unless that’s your thing, then go for it). What we are suggesting is that you add some sliced or diced onions to your salads, sandwiches, and other meals across the week.

    Onions are a great choice to benefit testosterone levels, as they support sex hormone production and increase antioxidant activity in your body.

    11. Nuts

    We could make an obvious nuts-based joke relating to testicles and testosterone, but we’ll do our best to resist.

    Instead, we’ll just advise you that gobbling on a handful of nuts (stop it!), like almonds and walnuts, works wonders to support optimal testosterone levels as they’re strong sources of healthy fats and magnesium.

    12. Whole grains

    Just as important as the things you do eat are the things you don’t. Processed foods and refined grains, like white bread, pastries, and cakes are rammed full of sugars, which lead to lower testosterone levels.

    Ditch these simple carbs for complex carbs and healthy whole grains, like rolled oats, brown rice, and wholewheat bread. They’re higher in magnesium, vitamin D, and B vitamins, which can all help increase testosterone levels.

    They also won’t cause sugar crashes. Instead, they provide a steady source of energy to keep you alert and vitalized throughout the day.

    How to boost testosterone levels even further

    relaxed man

    Eating more of the foods above is an excellent way to boost your testosterone levels, but some of the very best ingredients for overcoming a testosterone deficiency aren’t ones that you can add to your diet quite so easily.

    Unless you supplement your diet with natural testosterone boosters, that is.

    Panax ginseng, fenugreek, D-aspartic acid (DAA), and ashwagandha are all phenomenal ingredients that increase testosterone levels naturally—but they aren’t ones you want to eat in their raw forms or that you’ll find easily on supermarket shelves.

    This is where testosterone supplements like TestoPrime come into play.

    TestoPrime contains all four of these powerhouses, along with some of those ingredients mentioned above and additional nutrients to help you produce testosterone like you did when you were younger—like green tea, pomegranate, and garlic, as well as zinc and vitamins D, B5, and B6.

    All you have to do is take two capsules a day, and you can experience all the health benefits of enhanced testosterone production, like…

    • Increased strength and muscle growth
    • Increased weight loss
    • Better sexual performance
    • Reduced stress levels
    • Improved mood
    • Enhanced sex drive
    • More energy
    • Enhanced endurance

    It’s particularly important to combat low testosterone levels as you age, as they naturally start to decline from the of 30 or 40 onwards—leading to things like weight gain, loss of muscle mass, low energy, decreased mood, loss of libido, and decreased sexual performance.

    All it takes to reverse the decline and push those lower testosterone levels back up is to get some of these key ingredients into your diet and into your body.

    And it’s better to start sooner rather than later. Don’t wait for symptoms of low testosterone to show themselves before you take action.

    Start adding those foods above into your diet and grab some TestoPrime now to stay ahead of the natural drop-off in testosterone levels that starts to hit as you age.
