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For our testosterone levels to remain healthy, there are several processes that need to take place in our bodies. We must consume the proper nutrients to support these processes and stay healthy and strong in order to maintain a healthy level of testosterone production.
Vitamins certainly play a significant role in supporting our testosterone supply, and one in particular- B6- plays a major role in keeping us in tip-top condition.
B6 has been described as a “super vitamin” as it has a powerful effect on many critical bodily functions, from cardiovascular health and improving blood flow to moderating our stress levels.
Testosterone levels in men drop by around 1% per year from age 30. Energy levels drop, our mood can change, and sperm quality can also drop as our body's ability to function as it did when we were younger is disrupted.
Can this magic vitamin turn the tide?
What is Vitamin B6?
There are eight B vitamins in total, and B6 is responsible for supporting the immune system and brain function and transporting oxygen. Vitamin B6 is crucial for healthy cell function, metabolism and mood, and it also helps to metabolize proteins, carbs and fats for energy. Because the body doesn’t store Vitamin B, it must be replenished daily through nutrition.
Those with issues such as kidney disease and other malabsorption issues tend to be low in Vitamin B6 because vital nutrients are not being absorbed from food consumption. Also, those with autoimmune disorders can be low in Vit B6 due to red blood cells not carrying enough oxygen to the body’s tissues.
Those with low mood disorders can also be deficient in Vitamin B6. It's easy to see why vitamin B6 is being used to help those with low testosterone levels.
The different ways to take Vitamin B6.
There are several ways to incorporate Vitamin B6 into your diet, depending on your preference. Some are more convenient than others, but factors such as time and ease of consumption tend to dictate how you take them.
Through food sources.
Vitamin B6 can be abundant in chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, liver, cereal and chickpeas, leafy, dark vegetables, bananas and oranges.

While these are the richest sources of vitamins, you can also obtain it from ground beef, cottage cheese, sweet potatoes and nuts.
As a supplement
A regular capsule of Vitamin B6 is more convenient than trying to source it daily through a nutritional diet. Taking a vitamin capsule each day also means that you’ll consume the vitamin correctly.
Does it impact testosterone?
As vitamin B6 plays such a crucial role in our body, it will be no surprise that it can also impact our testosterone levels. Some of the main symptoms of low testosterone can be aided by Vitamin B6, such as cardio issues, low mood disorders,
How can vitamin B6 help with low t symptoms?
B6 is a potent, multifunctional vitamin that helps low testosterone by suppressing estrogen (the female hormone). Researchers found that it plays a vital role in keeping our t levels up, and it helps to combat many of the symptoms of low testosterone, such as mood, sexual function and energy.
It can improve your mood.
Vitamin B6 contributes to normal psychological function by creating chemical messengers in the brain (neurotransmitters) and helps regulate energy use in the brain. Some studies have confirmed that adults with higher levels of vitamin B6 have better memory and mood regulation.
It can provide energy.
Vitamin B6 contributes to the reduction of fatigue. It contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism, which means when you need a boost of energy, it starts to work its magic. It plays a vital role in boosting your energy resources by metabolizing proteins, fats and carbohydrates and helping to energize the body.
It’s great for your circulatory system.
Studies have shown that those with low levels of vitamin B6 have nearly double the risk of getting heart disease compared to those with a higher level. This may be due to its role in decreasing homocysteine levels linked to cardiovascular problems such as high cholesterol.

It contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and fertility.
If you want to boost your libido and improve sexual function, vitamin B6 should be at the top of your list. It’s great for hormone regulation and can help produce sperm.
It heightens the process of weight control and building muscle mass.
Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism. When we build muscle mass, we must first damage old muscle so that our body can repair and strengthen our muscles. Vitamin B6 helps by absorbing amino acids from food to make this process work. It helps to maximize the amount of protein absorbed into our system to ensure the maximum benefit to muscle repair.
Countless studies show vitamin B6 can help support and maintain normal, healthy testosterone levels for increased energy, reduced fatigue, and a clear-headed cognitive.
Vitamin B6 is one of the principal ingredients in Testoprime - a supplement designed to boost testosterone production.