How to get more energy

How To Get More Energy: A Guide For Men

9 min read


11 Sep 2024

Supercharge your day…

  1. Why your energy levels may be in a slump
  2. Boost energy levels: Insider tips
  3. FAQs

Feeling a dip in energy? Discover why your energy levels may be declining and how to get more energy with these simple, science-backed strategies. 

Whether it’s a struggle to get through the day or complete a session at the gym, it’s harder than it was when you were younger. 

This situation can be frustrating, particularly if you’re exercising regularly and looking to improve your strength and stamina. Working harder without getting the gains you did in your younger years is really frustrating.

The reason your energy levels are dropping could be any one of a number of possible reasons, but there are ways to give yourself a natural energy boost and get back on top of your game again. 

In this blog, we’ll be looking at the potential reasons for an energy slump and ways to reverse the trend.

Why your energy levels may be in a slump

If you feel your energy levels aren’t what they used to be, it’s important to try to pinpoint the reason why so that you will be in a better position to deal with the issue.  You might find you’re struggling to get through the day without feeling fatigued. Or you might be struggling to give it your all in the gym. Whatever the issue, now is the time to turn it around.

There could be a number of reasons, but it’s best to look at the most likely ones:

Your blood sugar

When you eat a meal that is packed with carbs, your body can often react by causing your blood sugar levels to rise and then fall sharply. This can cause a sudden drop in your energy levels, which is really frustrating if you’re planning to exercise. The good news is that this is a temporary drop in energy, and your body should adjust soon after.

Low testosterone levels

A lack of testosterone will seriously drain your energy levels; in fact, it's one of the most common symptoms associated with low testosterone. If your levels of testosterone are low, you can experience one or several of the following symptoms:

  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling tired even after adequate rest
  • A lack of interest in exercise
  • You fall asleep too quickly

  • This type of fatigue is not the same as occasional tiredness. It's a persistent feeling of low energy that doesn't usually improve with adequate rest.

    The kicker is that poor testosterone levels can impact so many other elements of your health, such as stress, sleep and weight, which in turn can impact your energy levels. It’s a vicious cycle and one that it’s best to get on top of.

    Read: Understanding Normal Testosterone Levels to Boost Your Energy

    Exercise to get more energy

    Your circadian rhythm

    The natural rhythm of your body can have a big effect on your energy. For example, you might find you have an energy slump at a certain time of day, such as just after lunch or early in the evening. 

    Don’t panic if this is happening to you. If it’s a regular thing, you can get around this by adjusting your daily schedule (where possible) to prepare for it. Try to avoid anything strenuous at these periods and make the most of the time your body feels properly energized.

    A poor-quality diet

    A diet that is high in sugars, processed foods, and unhealthy fats is unlikely to give you the energy your body needs. When you need energy the most, your body will reach for an energy source and find very little. 

    Read: 10 Foods To Increase Energy and Improve Gut Health


    If you’re a highly stressed person, you can expect to have your energy sources drained quicker than most. Stress and anxiety can deplete your energy reserves rapidly and even lead to fatigue.


    One of the main causes of a sudden slump in energy is a lack of water in your system. Unless you’re someone who is aware of the need to hydrate regularly, it’s easy to forget that you need to replenish throughout the day. A lack of hydration can cause fatigue and cognitive issues. If you’re exercising without the right amount of hydration, you’ll be lucky to power through it.  

    Poor sleep quality  

    Lack of quality sleep is a major contributor to daytime fatigue. Adults should aim for at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Insomnia or other sleep disorders can significantly impact energy levels throughout the day.

    A lack of physical activity

    This might seem weird, seeing as physical activity drains your energy, but if your body becomes used to a lack of movement, it can start to shut down energy sources, which it assumes aren’t needed anymore.

    Skipping rope to get more energy

    Read: How To Boost Testosterone: 20 Quickfire Tips

    Boost energy levels: insider tips

    Taking control of your energy levels isn’t hard. All you really need to do is get to grips with the basics. You need to fuel your body to get the energy you need to function properly, but it’s also important to remember that you can negate this effect if you don’t look after yourself, too. So, let’s take a look at some simple hacks to boost energy.

    Get your diet right

    If you want to boost energy, take a look at your diet. A diet high in essential vitamins and minerals is important to keep levels up. Whole foods, fruit and vegetables included in regular meals are your best bet for a high-quality energy source. 

    Don’t skip a healthy breakfast! Start off with plenty of fiber; wholemeal is a great choice. Wholegrains produce a slow-release energy that will help you sustain your levels. Lunch and dinner should be a combination of whole protein, complex carbs and plenty of fruit and vegetables.

    Eating sensibly means there should be less of a craving for snacks and food with added sugar, but when you eat in between meals, don’t opt for an energy-blocker. Choose healthy snacks to boost your levels further. Again, protein, and complex carbs that give a slow and steady release of energy are your best option.

    Keep the water flowing

    Try  to drink water throughout the day, according to your physical activity. Carry around a water bottle if you can to remind yourself to stay hydrated.

    Exercise energy and testosterone

    Get active

    If you’re not active, get more active. It will increase your oxygen circulation and energy production. Anything from a short, brisk walk upwards is great. Just remind your body to keep producing the energy you need.The more exercise you do, the more your body will react to source energy from the food you eat.

    Get your stress levels down

    If you feel the pace of life is getting too much, slow down! Put the brakes on and take a breath. Meditation is a great way to slow your mind and to help you think more clearly. A lot of stress can be built up by just not having enough time in the day to do what you need to do. Try to organize your day more efficiently and take some time out every day for yourself to help with stress relief.

    Ditch the bad lifestyle habits

    Excessive smoking, and drinking will drain your energy levels and disrupt your sleep patterns. Quitting is hard, but cutting down will be a huge step in the right direction for both your energy levels and your overall health.

    Get Quality Sleep

    Aim for at least seven hours of sleep per night. If you’re someone who has difficulty getting to sleep, try a sleep app, make your room darker, and turn off any annoying distractions.

    Read: 10 Foods To Increase Energy And Improve Gut Health

    Improve your testosterone levels naturally 

    Having low testosterone levels can be one of the most overlooked factors when it comes to energy issues. From age 30 your testosterone levels will drop at around 1% each year, and that percentage increases further age 40 and upwards. 

    Studies published recently proved once again that there are many health issues that can occur if you have low testosterone levels, such as a low mood, sexual issues, and a severe lack of energy.

    If you feel your energy resources are low and you’re experiencing other issues that can result from low t levels, here’s what you can do to get levels back up again:

    High intensity training

    Exercise will certainly help to get the testosterone flowing, but high-intensity exercise is the best option as it can significantly raise your t levels. Strength training , lifting weights, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and sprinting are all great ways to get your testosterone production up.  Building muscle mass and reducing your body fat will help hugely.

    Read: Fitness And Body

    Focus on t-boosting foods

    A nutritious diet is a must if you want to get your hormonal levels up. Plenty of protein, healthy fats and complex carbs will do the trick. Zinc-rich foods should also be included; oysters, beans and beef are rich sources. Spinach and almonds are high in magnesium, and fatty fish will help through its combination of healthy fats and vitamin D.

    Sleeping for energy

    Manage Stress and sleep

    High stress levels can mean a poor sleep quality. The more stress you feel, the higher your cortisol levels will be, and cortisol will reduce your t levels drastically. Exercise, meditation, a minimum of 7 hours sleep, and relaxation practices will go a long way.

    Watch the excess body fat

    Obesity is directly linked to lower testosterone levels. Losing excess weight through diet and exercise can help boost your testosterone production.

    Moderate your alcohol and sugary drink consumption

    Excessive alcohol and sugary drink consumption will put a massive dent in your efforts to raise your testosterone. Reduce, or better still cut out these beverages to give yourself the best chance.

    Boost your testosterone with a supplement

    You can give yourself a huge energy boost by getting your t levels up. A supplement containing a whole host of t-boosting ingredients can seriously fast-track your efforts to get testosterone flowing. The following vitamins and minerals to be particularly effective:

    • Vitamin D
    • Zinc
    • D-aspartic acid
    • Ashwagandha
    • Vitamin B6
    • Magnesium

    How Testoprime can help support your testosterone levels

    Boost your energy with TestoPrime, a supplement containing all of these essential t-boosting ingredients, and more. Increase energy the natural way. And it's not just your overall energy levels that will improve. A healthy testosterone level can also help with:

    • A stronger immune system
    • A better night's rest
    • Lower blood pressure
    • Improved general health
    • Better cognitive health

    By implementing these lifestyle changes and maintaining overall health, you can naturally support and potentially increase your testosterone levels. Let TestoPrime energize you and power you into the zone again.

    Read: What To Look For In A Testosterone Booster


    Will a testosterone supplement work on its own?

    A testosterone supplement will only benefit you if you work with it. Keeping yourself in shape physically, mentally, and through quality nutrition. Working against a supplement by eating the wrong foods and living a sedentary lifestyle will negate the benefits.

    How long will it take my testosterone levels to rise if I follow this guide?

    You should see a difference right away, if you make immediate changes to your lifestyle and you can keep the testosterone flowing if you stick to it.
