5 Ways to Naturally Stimulate Testosterone Production That You Can Start This Week 5 Ways to Naturally Stimulate Testosterone Production That You Can Start This Week

5 Ways to Naturally Stimulate Testosterone Production That You Can Start This Week

7 min read


10 Mar 2022

Testosterone is a hormone present in both men and women, although men obviously produce a lot more of it.

If you have a lower level of testosterone, then this can have a huge impact on your daily life. 

However, it isn’t all doom and gloom, there are ways to boost your levels naturally, so if you are looking for ways to increase your levels, then luckily for you, we have the answers to how to naturally stimulate testosterone production.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is predominantly produced in the gonads – these are the testes in men and the ovaries in women. 

However, small adrenal glands in both men and women also produce a small quantity. 

It is an androgen, which simply means that it is responsible for the development of male characteristics, which is why it is present in much higher levels in men than in women. 

In fetuses, testosterone is key to promoting the development of the internal and external male reproductive organs. 

More than this, it also signals to the body that it is time to make new blood cells, maintain the muscles and bones and also enhance the libido. 

Before we get into ways that you can naturally stimulate your bodies testosterone production, you first need to understand more about the hormone itself.

How is Testosterone Produced & Controlled?

The production and regulation of testosterone is closely controlled to ensure that the levels remain stable. 

Typically, the levels are highest first thing in the morning, and then they slowly peter off during the day. As mentioned above, the hormone is produced mostly by the testes, although the adrenal gland does also produce small amounts too. 

Testosterone production is then regulated by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland.

The hypothalamus produces a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone; the pituitary gland is then prompted into action to produce a luteinizing hormone. 

This hormone then travels through the body to the gonads, which then stimulates the production and release of testosterone. 

As the levels of testosterone in the blood increase, the same process begins to happen in reverse. 

A signal is sent back to the hypothalamus to stifle the production of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, which then also suppresses the pituitary glands’ production of the luteinizing hormone. 

As a result, the testes stop producing testosterone, and the levels start to fall, which kicks off the process all over again. In short, the production of testosterone in the body is cyclical. 

What Does Testosterone Do?

While this was briefly touched on above, testosterone performs and is responsible for a number of important tasks within the body. 

Firstly, for your bones, it helps to stimulate the production of osteoblasts or new bone, which are vital in repairing damage to existing bones; it also helps to slow bone resorption, which can be dangerous. 

Next, it also helps to improve muscle mass by prompting the body to burn its fat stores. 

Testosterone can also play a role in improving mental processes too. 

It supports the learning, processing and focuses functions in the brain as well as helping to improve memory and recall. 

Testosterone promotes a more balanced emotional health by decreasing stress and depression. It also has a hand in making sure that you get enough sleep which in turn makes you feel more energized and ready to face the day. 

Your testosterone levels also impact your performance in the bedroom

Testosterone stimulates the production of healthy sperm, which can affect your ability to reproduce. 

It also enhances your libido by enhancing drive, motivation and sexual thoughts and feelings. 

Not to mention the fact that testosterone supports erectile functions too. 

Finally, testosterone also regulates a lot of functions within the blood too. For example, it helps to stabilize your blood pressure. 

It works to balance your cholesterol and triglycerides. Testosterone also supports your sensitivity to insulin while also stimulating the production of red blood cells. 

After learning more about the different roles that testosterone plays within the body, it should be apparent that a decline of this hormone can have an incredibly negative effect on a whole host of bodily functions.

The Effects of Low Testosterone

Low levels of testosterone can have a number of different effects on your health. There are several common symptoms of low testosterone. 

Firstly, if you have a lower-than-normal sex drive, if you are experiencing erectile issues or a low sperm count, then this could indicate an issue with your testosterone production. 

When the levels of this hormone dip in your body, then you are also likely to experience a similar dip in your energy levels. 

A higher body fat percentage can be both a symptom and a cause of lower testosterone levels; in some cases, it is hard to pinpoint which came first. 

In addition, as testosterone is key to the building and maintenance of muscle mass, a low level can lead to a loss in both muscle and bone density. 

Finally, low levels of testosterone can also lead to mood disorders, specifically anxiety and depression.

It is perfectly normal for testosterone levels to drop with age, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t look for ways to boost your production of testosterone naturally. 

How to Boost Your Levels of Testosterone

Realistically the best way to try and combat a testosterone deficiency is to come up with a strategy that attacks the problem from all angles, which is why we have put together a list of five ways for you to boost your production of testosterone naturally. 

Using a combination of the following is the best way to maximize your testosterone production naturally.

1. Exercise Regularly

As mentioned already, testosterone is incredibly important for your muscle mass. 

However, this relationship works both ways; exercise, in general, but especially cardio, can help to increase your testosterone levels. 

Consistent resistance training can also positively impact your hormone levels. Building your muscles through weight training can have an immediate effect on your testosterone levels. 

In short, going to the gym or working out, in general, is a great way to naturally encourage the production of testosterone in your body. 

2. Get Enough Sleep

Getting a good amount of sleep (you should aim for eight hours a night) is crucial for your hormone or endocrine system. 

This is because there are links between sleep deprivation and low levels of testosterone; however, this is easily remedied by simply getting the right amount of sleep. 

More than this, though, an insufficient amount of sleep has also been related to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and mental health issues, which is why getting the right amount of sleep is incredibly important. 

3. Try Stress Management Techniques

Chronic stress can have far-reaching effects on the body. It can lead to lower levels of testosterone and accelerate aging within the body. 

However, acute stress can also be detrimental to your health, potentially leading to mood disorders or substance abuse. Trying some stress management techniques can help. 

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress; it can also have help to improve your levels of testosterone in itself, meditating or making the effort to relax. 

By getting a hand on your feelings of stress, you can improve your hormone balance and boost your levels of testosterone. 

4. Avoid Unnatural Chemicals

Some chemicals like BPA, which is most commonly found in plastic and the linings of some metal cans. 

BPA specifically has been linked to the disruption of hormones within the body. 

Although it is not always possible to avoid plastic, you should be aware of its potential effects and the other options available to you, such as glass. 

Phthalates are another chemical to be wary of, it is again commonly found in plastic packaging, but they can also be found in some toiletries like shampoos. 

Phthalates can also disrupt the hormone function within the body.

5. Try Testosterone Boosters

Trying testosterone boosters are a great option too. For example, the herb that has the most backing by research is ashwagandha, which is used in a lot of testosterone boosters. 

Studies have shown that its use has increased both testosterone and sperm count too. 

Ginger extract could also boost your levels of testosterone, but most of the research behind this has taken place on animals. 

So, before you commit to taking any supplements, it is important to do your research on them for your own peace of mind. 

In addition, you should check the efficacy of the ingredients within the products to make sure that they will have the desired effect, and they don’t just constitute a waste of time and money on your part.

The Bottom Line

If nothing else, it should be clear by now that testosterone is perhaps one of the most important hormones within the male body. 

Regulating your levels is incredibly important, and there are ways that you can naturally boost your levels. 

However, if you have been trying for some time and the symptoms persist, you should visit a doctor. 

They can recommend the best course of action for you, from lifestyle changes to medical interventions. 
