Man before taking testosterone boosters

What you need to know before you take testosterone boosters

6 min read


26 Sep 2023

Grab your cheat sheet

  1. Do you have low testosterone levels?
  2. Understand the reasons your levels might be low
  3. The risks of testosterone replacement therapy
  4. Are there any alternatives to TRT?
  5. Boost your 't' with TestoPrime

Testosterone is a hormone in your body known as the 'male sex hormone' because of its role in fertility, puberty, and sex drive. Women also have testosterone in their bodies but at a lower level than males.

Levels of testosterone in the body naturally drop as we age. But, some men may have lower-than-average testosterone levels. 

When your testosterone levels are low, you can experience some pretty unpleasant symptoms like low libido, fertility problems, and depression—it can be life-changing. 

Many men will consider testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to counter these symptoms. 

But, it's essential to understand TRT fully before thinking about committing to treatment. And, it's also worth knowing that if your 't' is low, there are ways to boost testosterone naturally.

Here we dive into what you need to know before you take testosterone boosters, from testing your levels and understanding symptoms to the risks of testosterone replacement therapy.

Are you ready to find out more about testosterone boosters? Great. Let's get started.

Do you have low testosterone levels?

You shouldn't take testosterone boosters without fully understanding your existing testosterone levels. 

A little knowledge goes a long way—and we're here to help you make the right decisions when it comes to testosterone supplements. And, we're going to start by looking at the symptoms of low testosterone.

The first indication you may have low testosterone levels may come in one or more of the following symptoms. Let's take a look.

Low sex drive

First of all, if your sex drive has dropped noticeably, your testosterone levels could be low. For men (especially those under 40), a lower-than-usual libido is often a telltale sign that you could be lacking in 't'.

Erectile dysfunction

In addition to a low sex drive, signs of erectile dysfunction also signal that you might not have normal testosterone levels for your age.

Low muscle mass 

Low muscle mass

A decline in your muscle mass is also one of the symptoms of low testosterone. If you're training hard and eating well, but you've noticed your muscle mass decline, it might be time to take action.


We all feel tired from time to time (life is busy, after all), but chronic tiredness is one of the most classic symptoms of low testosterone. In this case, you might need a little help to reach healthy testosterone levels again.


Are you feeling agitated or irritable often? Is your mood having an impact on your everyday life? It could be a case of low testosterone.


depressed man

Feeling low or depressed is a serious matter. There are many factors that influence our mental health, but if you feel like you're in a real trough, boosting testosterone could play a part in helping the matter.

Take a testosterone test

While you may be worried about low testosterone levels causing your symptoms, many factors can contribute to the same symptoms. The only way to fully know your testosterone levels is to get tested. 

You can undertake testosterone testing in two ways. You can approach your doctor, who can organize a blood test. 

blood test

Alternatively, you can order an at-home test. Depending on which provider you order from, the test will involve a blood or saliva sample. 

Understand the reasons your testosterone levels might be low

Having low testosterone levels is not the end of the world. And there are solutions out there to help with the implications and symptoms of low 't' levels. 

But, before we jump into solving the problem feet first, it’s vital to understand the cause. Below are some common reasons for low testosterone levels from a slightly more medical perspective.

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland produces a hormone that signals the testicles to make more testosterone. Issues with the pituitary gland may hinder the production of this signaling hormone.

Since the pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain, there are several causes for pituitary gland failure, such as a tumor on the pituitary gland or a complication following surgery. 


The thyroid is a small gland in the body necessary for regulating metabolism, managing energy levels, and producing specific thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism is the medical term for having an underactive thyroid. This means the thyroid gland is not producing enough of the thyroid hormones. 


Despite testosterone not being made in the thyroid, hypothyroidism has been linked to decreased levels of free testosterone in the body. This is potentially because the thyroid hormone affects a specific protein that is critical in how your body uses testosterone. 

Testicular problems

The testes are the producers of testosterone in your body. Sometimes, low testosterone levels are a symptom of a problem occurring with the testes. 

Low testosterone may arise from long-term testicular disorders like chromosome issues or undescended testicles. Alternatively, for many adults, low hormone levels result from testicular injury. 

Medical treatment

Specific medical treatments can impact your body’s testosterone production. Medications like opioids or hormone replacement therapies can result in low testosterone levels. 

Research has found that cancer treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy can directly affect testosterone levels and sperm count, though for most, this is temporary. 

The risks of testosterone replacement therapy

Many men with low testosterone levels will go straight out and seek hormone replacement options. The likes of TRT have proven successful in some men who have experienced higher libido, increased bone density, and better moods. 

Lower sperm count

But (and it's a big 'but'), taking testosterone has potential side effects that you need to know about. Despite reports of increased sex drive, taking testosterone can affect your sperm count. 

If you're considering children in your future, this can be a huge deciding factor when considering TRT.

Possible heart complications

Testosterone boosters also encourage the production of more red blood cells. This may not sound like a bad thing, but it can put you at risk of blood clots and cardiovascular problems. 

heathy heart

Other TRT risks you should know

Additional, more minor, side effects of TRT include: 

  • Sleep apnea
  • Acne
  • Fluid retention
  • Enlarged breasts (or 'moobs')

FYI: Before taking testosterone, you should also know that results are not immediate. It can take three to six months before you start noticing an impact on your symptoms. 

Are there any alternatives to TRT?

For those unsure about taking testosterone boosters, there are alternative options to increase your testosterone levels.

Natural testosterone-boosting supplements exist that will help you restore your 't' levels to healthy levels. In addition to taking the right kind of supplements, here are some natural ways to boost testosterone.

Eat the right foods

healthy foods

Eating a well-balanced diet will improve your energy levels and help boost testosterone naturally. There are certain foods that can contribute to healthy testosterone levels—and you can find out all about them by checking out our 't'-boosting nutritional guide.

Exercise consistently

Many studies suggest that training and exercising regularly can boost testosterone while maintaining healthy levels.

There are a range of training options out there that will help you top up your 't'—and our testosterone-boosting exercises guide will help you on your way.

Manage your stress levels

managing stress

Another effective way to boost testosterone and avoid your 't' levels dropping through the floor is by managing your stress levels effectively.

Sometimes this is easier said than done, but if you can keep those cortisol levels at bay, you will maintain healthy testosterone levels.

Improving your sleep hygiene, laying off the alcohol, trying a little meditation or mindfulness, and talking to a mental health professional are all practical ways of managing your stress. You've got this.

Boost your 't' with TestoPrime

If you're looking for testosterone supplements that will get your 't' levels where they should be, try TestoPrime. As a safe and natural way to boost testosterone, TestoPrime will give your brain and body the lift they need to succeed.

So, if you have a low testosterone level but are concerned about taking testosterone boosters, consider TestoPrime. It's a safe alternative to TRT, made with naturally sourced ingredients and backed by scientific research. Order yours now.