How often should you eat to keep testosterone levels high? How often should you eat to keep testosterone levels high?

How often should you eat to keep testosterone levels high?

4 min read


29 Jun 2023

Keeping yourself healthy is crucial if you want to keep your testosterone levels up, and your diet should be at the center of that focus. Testosterone helps to build muscle and bone strength, helps keep your heart healthy, controls your mood, and is essential for sexual health. 

Some chronic health conditions can also cause your testosterone levels to fall. It can be treated medically if you have deficient testosterone (hypogonadism). 

Factors such as age, lifestyle and making the wrong dietary choices will cause your t levels to suffer, but how often and how much should you eat to keep the level high?

Why is diet important for testosterone levels?

Your diet should be rich in nutrients that will help you maintain a decent testosterone level in your system. 

Zinc, magnesium and vitamin D are great for keeping levels up. Diets high in protein, carbohydrates and fats should be on your list to keep the hormone high in your system. How often you eat should depend on what you are eating. 

Some prefer to eat a decent breakfast, light lunch and a big dinner, while others prefer to have their main meal in the middle of the day. Your job or family responsibilities often dictate your choice of when to eat. Regardless of when you eat, to keep t levels high, it isn't just a case of how much you eat. It's more important to ensure you are eating enough food to keep your levels high, but not too much. 

If you are overweight or obese, you can expect your t levels to be low, which is also likely to cause other issues, such as a lack of sleep and energy. This means you are less likely to feel like exercising and it can develop into a vicious cycle. The key is to eat enough of the right food, but not too much- get the balance right.

Which food and nutrients should I consume to keep testosterone levels high?

Certain foods can seriously help in your quest for high t levels; some should be limited or avoided. The ones which will help promote the hormone levels are those with a high level of the correct nutrients associated with testosterone production. Making these a priority will make a significant impact on your t levels.

Look for protein boosters.

Oily fish, such as salmon and tuna, are packed with Vitamin D and contain healthy fats that will help boost your hormone production. It's perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner, and lean beef, chicken, and eggs are also great options. If you're vegetarian or vegan, tofu, nuts, and seeds are packed with protein and won't make you feel too full. If you don't eat enough protein, your body produces more of a substance that binds with testosterone, leaving you with less testosterone in your system.


Bananas are great for raising your testosterone levels as they contain nutrients that are key to elevating the hormone level in your system. One in particular- potassium- is excellent for releasing androgens into the system, which are great for raising t levels. They also contain magnesium and bromelain, great mood and libido enhancers.



Ginger is often overlooked as a potential testosterone booster. It contains plenty of antioxidants that help to reduce stress levels, and anything that can reduce stress is excellent for raising testosterone. A recent study showed how 75 men who took a ginger supplement for three months experienced a 17 percent increase in their T levels. It has also been shown to improve libido.


Your go-to choice of vegetables should be the leafy green kind, such as kale, spinach, and lettuce, which are full of potassium, fibre, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as plenty of vitamins to promote bone health. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Adding olive oil to your salad can seriously help raise t levels as it contains antioxidants which are great for your heart and stress levels. Studies have shown that the nutrients contained in extra virgin olive oil are great for helping to raise t levels in our bodies.


Cereals with added vitamins and minerals can be great for our bodies because of the nutrients and because they tend to be low in fat. They are also great for increasing our energy, reducing cortisol to keep stress levels down, and keeping us active. Just beware of those with added sugar. Many cereals have iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamins A, C and D.  


Fruit should be incorporated into your diet in a big way, but some should be more plentiful than others. Pomegranates are packed full of seeds which will have huge nutritional benefits to our high t- promoting diet. Again, the antioxidants are great, and they'll help to combat viruses, bacteria and promote cardio health. A study saw that regular pomegranate users had an average 24%increase in T levels (28). It's great for regulating mood too.

Drink plenty of water

Water is undoubtedly your best liquid source as it's pure and contains nothing which will set back your t-level progress. Alcoholic beverages and fizzy, sugary drinks, however, should be limited or, better still, avoided. Alcohol can seriously drop your t levels if you're regularly drinking, and too much may produce estrogen- a female hormone that can thin your hair and add body fat around your chest. Like fizzy drinks, alcohol also contains plenty of calories that will set you back and affect your mood and sleep patterns.

So, how often should you eat?

It's not so much how often we eat but the quality of food intake in our bodies that will make the difference to our testosterone levels. Concentrating on foods that contain the proper nutrients and won't raise our body fat or stress levels is critical to raising our levels. 

TestoPrime helps raise your testosterone levels and reverse the low t symptoms with 12 natural, powerful, and clinically-supported ingredients.

